

Memphis Belle/英烈的歲月

Memphis Belle/英烈的歲月

Music Composed and Conducted By George Fenton

1990 Varase Sarabande

  第二次世界大戰,一架B-17型轟炸機,十個青年戰士,二十五趟安全返航的任務,”曼菲斯美女號-Memphis Belle”在當代傳媒的包裝與塑造下,成為二次世界大戰的空軍傳奇,<英烈的歲月>一片,即根據當代英美知名的戰爭紀綠片改編而成,一部充滿著熱血與豪情,同時洋溢著濃濃復古風的勵志佳作.

  雖然這原來是一個美國空軍的故事(駐隊英國的美國空軍),但也許是配樂者George Fenton的影響,這部電影配樂不僅充滿復古情懷,還瀰漫著濃郁的英倫氣息.Fenton大量的在配樂中使用知名的英國民謠與當代的流行歌曲,其中Green Eyes,Flying Home與I Know Why(And So Do You)等,都是情調迷人的老式歌曲,而Track 5.一曲改編自Amazing Grace(參見附錄),更是耳熟能詳的古老詩歌,是英美民族最喜愛也最廣為流傳的詩歌作品,相信不論是教徒或電影觀眾對這首作品一定不會陌生,這首作品早已深入英美人民的生活中,在電影中也十分常見,如茱蒂福斯特在<超級王牌>中,就是因為梅爾吉勃遜和警長在哀悼時同時唱錯這首歌的歌詞,而視破吉勃遜與警長的父子關係.另一首古老的民謠作品在配樂中更幾乎被當作主題曲來使用,就是著名的英國民謠Danny Boy(參見附錄),大概是因為故事中的主角名叫丹尼,而在配樂上引申這樣的聯想,在配樂中除了以管絃編曲將Danny Boy融合到原著創作中外,也在原聲帶的最後,收錄了一首十分動聽,重新詮釋的演唱版.

  原著音樂的方面,Fenton寫了一首相當好的主題作品,旋律優美,壯志凌雲,雖不陽剛猛烈,卻能呈現開闊的胸懷與熱情,在The Final Mission與Memphis Belle Suite中,可以清楚的感受到這首作品中,豪情萬丈的飛揚神采,其實在旋律的格式和音律上,這首作品與Hans Zimmer的<浴火赤子情>頗有幾分相似,而且在刻劃的戲劇場面上,也頗有異曲同工之妙,<浴火赤子情>描繪消防人員的救災熱誠,刻劃出救火車出動的英雄風采,而在<英烈的歲月>中,一場戰機出動的升空場面也展現十分類似的高昂情緒,但實際上這部配樂推出的時間較<浴火赤子情>稍早一些,比較起來<浴火赤子情>的作風較為炫爛沸騰,節奏性也比較激昂振奮,但<英烈的歲月>則是英式的典雅作風,不過內斂保守的曲風並無損<英烈的歲月>的豪情美感,反而呈現了一股濃郁的時代情懷與地域特色.至於在任務與危機場面的音樂處理上,George Fenton的表現中規中矩,特色模糊,有些可有可無,在豐富性和娛樂性上,則較場面類似的另一部配樂作品,John Williams的<驚異傳奇>中的”The Mission”,要來的單調枯燥的多.



By Loyalwise Ye 1999/11/6


01. The Londonerry Air/ Front Titles: Memphis Belle
02. Green Eyes
03. Flying Home
04. The Steel Lady
05. 'Prepare For Take Off' (Amazing Grace)
06. The Final Mission
07. 'With Deep Regret...'
08. I Know Why And So Do You
09. The Bomb Run
10. Limping Home
11. Crippled Belle: The Landing
12. Resolution
13. Memphis Belle End Title Suite
14. Danny Boy (Theme From Memphis Belle)


Amazing Grace

Amazing grace! (how sweet the sound)
That sav'd a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.

"Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
And grace my fears reliev'd;
How precious did that grace appear,
The hour I first believ'd!

Thro' many dangers, toils and snares,
I have already come;
'Tis grace has brought me safe thus far,
And grace will lead me home.

The Lord has promis'd good to me,
His word my hope secures;
He will my shield and portion be,
As long as life endures.

Yes, when this flesh and heart shall fail,
And mortal life shall cease;
I shall possess, within the veil,
A life of joy and peace.

The earth shall soon dissolve like snow,
The sun forbear to shine;
But God, who call'd me here below,
Will be forever mine.

Danny Boy 

Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling 
From glen to glen, and down the mountain side 
The summer's gone, and all the roses falling 
'Tis you must go, 'tis you must go and I must bide 

But come ye back when summer's in the meadow 
Or when the valley's hushed and white with snow 
'Tis I'll be there in sunshine or in shadow 
Oh Danny boy, oh Danny boy, I love you so 

But if you come, and all the flowers are dying 
If I am dead, as dead I may well be 
You'll come and find the place where I am lying 
And kneel and say an "Ave" there for me 

And I shall hear, tho' soft you tread above me 
And all my grave shall warm and sweeter be 
If you will bend and tell me that you love me 
Then I will sleep in peace until you come to me

